如何获取正确的链接:1. 电脑访问
用电脑访问微博,并从浏览器的状态栏里拷贝链接是最直接的方法,可以清晰的看到链接的形式是:http 或 https 开头,后面有weibo.com 或 weibo.cn ,最后通常以一段不可读的字符串类似 ffuhjd5eCJI7qC-lWC6S3 结尾。
如何获取正确的链接:2. 认准视频小图标
很多视频后面有独立的,能够直接打开视频页的链接,通常用一个 小图标引导。在这个链接上面点右键,选择“复制链接”,找到的链接是最准确的。
注意,并不是以 # 开头的链接。以 # 开头和结尾的链接表示的是微博的热点事件。
如何获取正确的链接:3. 手机访问
如果用手机浏览器访问微博,则按电脑版的方法,直接找到视频页,或点 小图标引导的链接。之后复制浏览器地址栏里的链接,也能获得正确的视频页链接。
微博党 weibodang.cn 网站支持手机访问。请用手机浏览器打开网站,粘贴正确的视频页链接,就可以和使用电脑一样直接查看视频了。
每个人的手机不同。视频一般均可在线查看,但是否能保存在手机的相册里,就视不同手机的不同功能了。对 iPhone 来讲,Good Reader 是个能实现视频下载保存功能的好APP。
事实上,来到 weibodang.cn 网站,用视频页链接,即时获取视频文件链接后,将视频保存在电脑或手机上,才是长期观看的正确姿势。
Get the correct link: 1. On computer
Click the SHARE link under Youtube playing video, you will find a pop-up mini-window and a short link looks like 'https://youtu.be/xxxxxxx' shown there (as marked on right images). Simply copy this links and paste it on the above input column.
Please make sure this Youtube is on single video page. We don't support play-list page yet.
Get the correct link: 2. Mobile / APP
Weibodang.io can be reached by mobile brwosers. Please try us on your mobile phone.
For mobile browsers, find the video page, copy correct link from browser's address column.
Or on Youtube app, click share icon below the Youtube video (as marked at right images), select copy-link icon on the pop-up menu. Also paste this copied link on the above input column.
On the Android phone, extracted video link could be saved as local video file by a simple long-tap. But on Apple iPhone device things will be more complicated. We recommend Good Reader to do this.
Get the correct link: 1. On computer
Hover your mouse on the top-right corner of Tumblr blog-block, you will find a special animation like corner-folding. Right-click on this area (marked as red-border-box on images at right) and select "copy link". Paste this copied link on the above input column.
Please make sure this Tumblr blog-block HAVE a video in it. No blog-list accepted.
Get the correct link: 2. Mobile / APP
Weibodang.io can be reached by mobile brwosers. Please try us on your mobile phone.
For mobile browsers, find the video page, copy correct link from browser's address column.
Or on Tumblr app, click that weired share icon at the bottom of Tumblr blog-block (as marked at right images), select copy-link icon on the pop-up menu. Also paste this copied link on the above input column.
On the Android phone, extracted video link could be saved as local video file by a simple long-tap. But on Apple iPhone device things will be more complicated. We recommend Good Reader to do this.
Get the correct link: 1. On computer
After visit Twitter website and find your favorite video, hover your mouse on the down-arrow icon at the top-right corner of a Tweet-block, and left click. You will find "Copy link to Tweet" item on pop-up menu (marked as red-border-box on images at right). Select this item, and paste copied link on the above input column.
Please make sure this Tweet HAVE a video in it. No tweet-list accepted.
Get the correct link: 2. Mobile / APP
Weibodang.io can be reached by mobile brwosers. Please try us on your mobile phone.
For mobile browsers, find the video page and the same down-arrow on the same place as on pc browser, tap down-arrow and select "Copy link to Tweet" from pop-up menu to copy video page link.
Or on Twitter app, click that same down-arrow too (as marked at right images). Select "Share Tweet via..." item on the pop-up menu and again click "Copy link to Tweet" button. Also paste this copied link on the above input column.
On the Android phone, extracted video link could be saved as local video file by a simple long-tap. But on Apple iPhone device things will be more complicated. We recommend Good Reader to do this.